Reviews The Chemistry Of Coffee

Neighbourhood gem, great coffe and lovely staff
Sep 22, 2019
Great coffee - nice and strong. Really friendly service and a good, simple menu. It has a lovely vibe and suitable for eating solo or with friends. Definitely hope you guys stick around!
Apr 27, 2018
TL;DR: While credit will be given where credit is due, most of this place boils down more to the style rather than the substance - and that is how they present their drinks with the fare they serve coming in a fairly secondary position. That is not to say their fare is bad or inadequate in any way, the best word to describe them is "wholesome" and it is good quality through and through - hence a 4.0-score. That could be forgiven, but the service is also a let down. Engaging a bit more would do this place well, since it has makings to attract a range of clientele.

Shaking up the usual routine for the weekend a bit, in fact making a new paradigm if anything, my house mate woke me up a bit earlier than usual on the Saturday morning before church to get the breakfast out of the way with the grocery shopping already being done a couple of nights before. This is going to be the new norm eventually, and it started off with somewhere that he had in mind for a while. The pictures all over the internet, with all the different resources about new places to eat, simply popped off the screen with this place - particularly the innovative ways they presented some of their drinks. This had a bit of a science motif going on and everything. Heck, it is hard not to be interested with some of them - especially not knowing the context. Intrigue brought us here, and while it is by no means a bad place, it is possibly gimmick over anything else when it comes to distinguishing itself from the pack.

Not much is going to be criticised with the set up that they have, they are making do with what space they got. It has the basic outlay of a corner shop, complete with al fresco dining that is right at the curb side. It has a laid back feel to it, particularly coupling the fact that it is in the most suburban of places in town, and has an old-school approach that is much under-utilised.

At the very best with the service, they are proving knowing a few of the basics. The structure with the service is the usual route - you go up to the counter to order, pay up and then wait at your table for the food to arrive. The speed and effectiveness is good enough, and it is here before you know it - at least this time, there was enough distraction for the wait not to be noticed - and they have that aspect down pact. However, the minutiae does not quite garner much attention. This is in them checking up part way through the meal with how things are going, even possibly asking if anything else could be requested - and also the big one that resonates, getting the waters to the table. Really, the touches that distinguish and give the service personality. Once they learn the ropes there a bit more, this place can definitely improve quite the deal more.

Addressing the science gimmick of the place, most of that is reserved for the drinks. Scientific names aside, when it comes to the food they are actually fairly conservative with their selection. Whether it be at breakfast or at lunch, the general options are there on the table. That, plus the sweets cabinet presents an array of treats to have with the drinks. At lunch, it is the burgers, plus some salads and sandwiches - really, nothing too out of the ordinary.

But when it comes to the drinks, the fact that you are spoiled for choice is only the first part. The second part of it is the presentation, especially when it comes to the milkshakes - flaovured by actual bits of candy, and presented with doughnuts and stuff on top of them. Teas and coffees are also there - which definitely includes some more inventive kinds, plus different sorts of juices et al.

For lack of a better term, there was a starter ordered for here. A unique twist this time around, and possibly the first of its kind to me, the starter acted like a meze plate for beverages. To put it in less awkward terms, one of the items that was their Test Tube Taster. This was a selection of six of their signature beverages, lined up in a test tube rack. Two glasses were brought out to pour into, along with a cup of ice, and it was on to sampling each one.

The six beverages on display were: turmeric latte, matcha latte, dirty chai, hot chocolate, beetroot latte, cold drip coffee. How each of them stacked up was as such:
Turmeric Latte - getting this one off the bat, I did not like it one bit. Turmeric itself isn't anything that I dislike, and it goes well in all sorts of cooking, but to mix it into a beverage is one thing that does not work out. One its own terms, the spice really does not have much flavour, and is more of an enhancer. Chalk with one up as a doozy.
Matcha Latte - more or less, it was where green tea was added to steamed milk akin to a coffee drink, coming across a bit like a warmer version of a milkshake with the said flavour. If anything, there were reminders of green tea ice cream - a winner if this reviewer is concerned - and it works well enough. That being said, it is a little on the sweet side though not to a saccharine degree. Overall, s'ok.
Dirty Chai - in adding a shot of espresso to a chai latter, this is good for something that is a bit different. Describing the taste is a bit hard, even in how familiar the two beverages of coffee and chai are on their own terms; the two them cause a bit of a contrast, and yet somehow complement each other in their own way. Once in a while, this sucker is worth being given a try if you have not already.
Hot Chocolate - This one was merely okay. It was kind of the standard hot chocolate, which in recent years has become a tad sweet for my liking. Ultimately, I ended up being neither here nor there about it, it was merely a hot chocolate.
Beetroot Latte - this one was strange. Essentially, the best way that it can be described is it is pretty much beetroot juice. Being neither here nor there with the vegetable itself, I was fairly impartial to the concoction as a whole. This is not one I outright disliked, but definitely won't be going out of my way to try it again.
Cold Drip - this was one saved for last, with the very idea to save the best for the last being part of it. But when it all comes down to it, what was proven here is that some things aren't just hard to improve upon, they just can't be improved upon. And that was the case with the cold drip coffee.

Then after that, it was onto the main part of the meal - the breakfast, and the coffee to go with it. As always, the drink choice was black and it was coffee. Also, since the day was boiling hot and it was pretty humid outside, the drink of choice ended up being an iced long black. And to give a repetition, this kind of beverage is impossible to beat even with all the inventiveness going on in the back. This was a strong and sharp little sucker, which was pronounced even more with the chilled temperature. Whatever the science behind it is, something about the cold coffee seems stronger and more concentrated than when it has been put in the fridge.

As for the meal I had, it was a savoury mince dish. Think of the classical meal, and picture it served on top of a baked potato - that is what this meal was. The serving size was generous, and it was pretty much fine. It is hard to go wrong with savoury mince, especially when it is done right. The meatiness of the mince made it tasty, and mixing it with sour cream, some spinach and a whole heap of vegetables beefed it up somewhat. Add on the potato, and it makes for a substantial meal.

It is definite that this place deserves a couple of pointers, namely one for how inventive they are and that they are running with a bit of a theme in their menu - even if it does ultimately come across as being somewhat gimmicky. That should definitely be able to draw in a crowd, a niche one at that - and from a business perspective, it is just the beginning of the possibilities. Like anywhere, I don't want to see it falter and here I can see a few directions that can be taken.

There is potential within this place, with a good starting point having more engagement all-round - that is with the clients during their meal time (asking how things are is a start, even small gestures like getting the waters while the menu is perused) and even being aware about all the sites and resources online for what might be saying about the place. It is like they have the idea that the want to run a cafe, and a breakfast place - where points will be given to the distinct approach with the design and how things are prepared - but they are lacking that real drive, that one that will always ultimately have diners coming back, and even recommending coming back several times. The location is right, and there is a bit of potential to really take their gimmick aspect and run with it a little more.
Mar 02, 2018
Foodie Lover
First time visiting this lovely cafe. Ordered the deluxe avo toast and a large iced latte. The menu has lots of great sounding meals and some indulgent shakes. The cafe itself is bright and clean. Lots of tables inside in aircondioned comfort and tables outside in shade. Staff are friendly and helpful. My meal arrived quite quickly and was beautifully presented and tasted as good as it looked. Prices are very reasonable, in fact quire cheap. My deluxe avo toast was only $12. Oh and check out how big my iced latte was. Definitely be back.
Feb 17, 2018
After I read the reviews of so many top reviewers about this café, I bookmarked to have an exploration 6 months ago. Grab the time to have a brekkie this morning. It was not quite busy when I walked in the café. Barista was busy at preparing orders and he seemed to know what he was doing with professional manner. Love to see all the food displayed in the cabinet that kick-started my appetite immediately. Ordered my flat white and the Hollandaise egg with Salmon. Coffee came with light aroma and the barista did a good job to reflect the taste of Merlo. Just a subjective feedback was the strength was not up to my expectation. Next time, I must order another shot (it is free to add shot) to make it perfect to my palate. The savoury dish came the next and the presentation looked great. Eggs were done perfectly with running egg yolk when my knife pierce through the egg white. Smoked salmon was nice and fresh. I think I need to re-visit to try out the test-tube idea of coffee that they serve, they look great and inventive.
Feb 17, 2018
The Chemistry of Coffee is a new player in the competitive Hawthorne café scene. The family owned and operated establishment houses a handful of indoor & outdoor seating with a tasteful interior design. I was there with café guru Imco for brunch, to see if their offerings stay true to the “Chemistry of Coffee” name. 

A view of their display fridge found: pastries, sandwiches and sweet treats. A separate one page food menu offers familiar options, some with interesting twists. Considering Imco’s big appetite that day, we ordered a number of share plates: big bang breaky burger, caramel waffles and coconut & citrus slice. Beverage consists: smoked honey chai (for two) and their signature test tube sampler (taster).

Smoked honey chai: made a welcoming start to our meal. The set was presented on a wooden board with a generous pot of honey chai and an upside down glass filled with hickory smoke. Pouring the chai, brings a theatrical experience with the strong flavoured hickory smoke rushing out of the glass and exposing a unique smoky scent to our surrounding. The well flavoured chai showed mild chai spice mix & Ceylon with hints of orange and honey. Mixed with hickory smoke, you have an interesting fusion which excites the senses. 3.5/5

Test tube sampler: was playfully presented in test tubes with six flavour samples: beetroot, matcha, turmeric & mushroom latte, dirty chai and cold drip coffee. All tubes were made to order and presented good overall flavours with some (mushroom & turmeric) testing combinations. A well thought out and fun tasting. 4/5

Big bang breaky burger: consists spinach, hash brown, fried egg, bacon, cheese, avo spread and tomato relish all held together by warm Turkish bread. First impression: variety of fillings. A bite into the burger and I nearly cried. Each element was skilfully made and complemented each other to perfection. The flavour balance was spot on with a delicate lingering of avo and bacon. Turkish bread was fresh, airy with a fragrant scent. Absolutely PERFECT! 5/5

Caramel waffle: includes two piece of waffle topped with fresh strawberries, sliced banana, scoops of vanilla ice cream and a generous serving of house made caramel sauce. The freshly made waffles were buttery with a crunchy outer crust. Paired with fresh fruits and fragrant caramel sauce, you have a great dish for anytime of the day. If only the ice cream quality can improve. 3.5/5

Coconut & citrus slice: was a generous serving with a dash of whipped cream. The slice of goodie was delicate in flavour with subtle butter, coconut & citrus. The icing was surprisingly refreshing with big citrus taste and only mildly sweet. A great treat to conclude our meal. 4/5

Chemistry of Coffee’s mix of experimental beverages and traditional menu items makes this establishment standout from the rest. It is great to see a café willing to challenge customer palates with experimental tastes and ideas.

Hint: Test tube sampler and breaky burger comes highly recommended
Aug 01, 2017
Well thanks to Imco I discovered this great Coffee Shop. The best thing about this place (& may I make a suggestion to all other coffee outlets) they charge the same price for a double or a single shot & also the same price for any sort of milk. This is a wonderful concept which I have been hoping for & it has now eventuated here, The coffee is Merlo (good reliable brew) We had the double shot flat whites both excellent. Well poured & presented. The food was also very good. The savory mince my partner ordered was in a large jacket potatoe with fresh spinach (so at least I managed to get some healthy vegetables into him) He commented it was tasty but he could have handled more chilli! I just had the avocado (my usual) on sourdough with lemon. Actually it was the special for $10 which came with a large coffee as well (I opted for the small size though. All up great service & pooch friendly outside (despite the chilly morning!)
Jul 22, 2017
Just about 2 weeks ago, foodie Tomcat and I made our way to visit a newly opened cafe located on Riding Rd, Hawthorne. Tucked away from the main streets is a family run business called, The Chemistry Of Coffee. The relaxing and contemporary designed establishment houses a variety of breakfast and brunch foods including the commonly-known (by name) Breaky Burger, Eggs Benedict, and Omelettes. Or if you're up for a light meal, they got you covered for some Yoghurt&Granola, Avo Toast and Banana Bread (just to name a few)! No breakfast or brunch meal is complete without the presence of a cuppa, so don't worry they got a solid list of caffeine offerings for you too!

After perusing their simply laid out menu, we decided to order a few dishes to share: Big Bang Breaky Burger, Caramel Waffles, and a Coconut&Citrus Slice. Beverages consisted the Smoked Honey Chai and the Test Tube Sampler (Taster). 

The wait wasn't long until the first drink was served - Starting off with the Smoked Honey Chai, presented on a wooden board was a glass filled with hickory smoke and a pot of chai (loose leaf). The beverage had a soothing fragrant however I found the taste to be on the weaker side.

Next up was the Test Tube Sampler. This is where the funky chemistry vibe hits, with 6 different types of drinks served in clear text tubes there was: Beetroot Latte, Matcha Latte, Tumeric Latte, Mushroom Latte, Dirty Chai and Cold Brew. Personally, I thought this was an interesting concept which provided an educational experience to diners, like myself. If you don't gravitate towards chai/latte base beverages because of the taste, this may be a good alternative to try!
* Beetroot Latte: Came out with a pinkish color. Taste wise consisted a strong spicy tang as well as hints of chai.
*Matcha Latte: Presented with a very nice matcha scent, smooth and full of flavor. 
*Tumeric Latte: Beautiful vibrant yellow but tasted milky and only consisted minimal spiciness.
*Mushroom Latte: Held a strong spiciness, bitterness and a mild vege flavor. Definitely, one that's out of the ordinary.
*Dirty Chai: Well-balanced coffee and chai flavors. Looks and smells like a hot chocolate which is even better!
*Cold Brew: Made with the Single Origin blend, the coffee was easy to drink and left a lingering bitterness on the palate.

Food time is always a good time - Beginning with the Big Bang Breaky Burger, served with Bacon, Free Range Eggs, Hash Brown, Baby Spinach, Avocado, Cheese and Tomato Relish all squished (softly) together with Turkish Bread. After devouring into this burger, I swear I could have ordered another one! The Turkish bread was lightly toasted and maintained a fluffy and airy interior. The Hashbrown contained a nice crunch, Fried Egg and Bacon were both cooked to perfection. The Tomato Relish, Spinach and Avocado introduced a refreshing touch to the palate. All the fillings in the burger complemented each other! Very good!

There's always room for desserts - We went with the Caramel Waffles first. There were two pieces of waffles halved into a triangular shape. Topped with Vanilla ice cream, strawberries, and sliced bananas. On the side is the made in-house caramel sauce served in a little jug. The waffles were crunchy on the outside and slightly dry on the inside, unfortunately, it didn't make it on my 'fancy' list. Despite that, the fruits were fresh, ice cream was creamy and the caramel sauce was really enjoyable. The popular home-made sauce was the highlight, as it wasn't overly sweet and interestingly I thought it consisted hints of honey.  

Final dish - The Coconut and Citrus Slice was accompanied with a bit of cream on the side. Gave out a nice subtle coconut scent, the slice was moist and contained a good amount of shredded coconuts. The citrus icing was a refreshing touch that helped balance out the sweetness of the slice. (I was soon to be told it was made in-house and gluten free too!)

Overall, a great experience. Thank you so very much to Jason, Peita and their daughter for the wonderful hospitality. 

Good Stuff: The establishment produces many in-house foods/sweets. The Breaky Burger is a must try! The Test Tube Sampler is a great way to experiment with different flavors! Inside and outside seatings are available. Parking available on the side streets.
Jul 14, 2017
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