smooth vodka combines woth coffe liquer and hint of austrian liqueur and vream topping
18 $
Bavarian Mule
the bavaian twist of the russian original comes with a fresh taste of junipers
19 $
Flight Mode
austrian blue gin meets maraschino cherries and violets with a note of basil
19 $
Summer Sloe
sloe gin meets mediterranean botanicals flavored tonic water and a hint of orange
22 $
The Classic
its summer time caribbean rum, fresh mint and limes. that's needed
18 $
the drink that gets never out of style- sex & the city fans know what we are taking about
18 $
Old Fashioned
gents, any question? what is a good after work without a good drin. choos a between blended scotch or the austrian 12y old single malt. our bartenders do the best
18 $
Espresso Martini with a Twist
yes, with a twist beacause.... we add chocolate to it.
18 $
Rusty Nail
that's how prince charles edwards had his whiskey, he added drambui to it
18 $
Old School Mai Tai
good bartenders know about it. no juices, no brandies. jyst rum, almond and lime. the drink for the grown ups.
21 $
Moonligth Serenade
romantic, isn't it? the moonshiners from melbourne did a good job with booze
18 $
Tommy's Margarita
a tequila that doesn't give you headache plus fresh lime and agave. isn't that perfect