Sushi Jin Melbourne

Sushi Jin, Melbourne 29/246 Bourke St - Melbourne


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Last update on 20/12/2023
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Last update on 18/02/2020
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Quince And Cheese
One of the few places in the city to get good onigiri. Selection is good and price is right. Definitely worth a visit.
Oct 06, 2019
Consistently good. Range of sushi like everyone else but they also have onigiri as well as tasty hot dishes. And oldie but a goodie. Easy to miss in the target centre
Nov 02, 2016
Taylor Holmes
After having been a regular customer here a few years ago, I had decided to make a return after my streak of being an online food blogger. 

Home is where the heart is, after all.

I have a pretty high rating of things, but within reason: I look for value for money, service, quality, feeling, and more.  (Unlike a scathing reviewer before me, ey!)

I came armed today with a fistful of money and a very empty stomach, and so I marched back to my old work-place lunch stomping grounds. 

This little gem of a place is located in the 'Target Center', down China-Town from Swanston St in the city. 

Upon approaching the counter, I was met by slight changes from their original carrying of -chock full items-, and they have gone for the true and traditional japanese style of 'This is here for the day, take what you like, or can, before it is gone.'

I was greeted by a small japanese girl who bowed in the greetings of old, and that alone made my note-carrying fist shake with anticipation of the buying ahead. 

I purchased the plum, tomago (egg), unagi (eel) and tuna Onigiri (Triangular, nori-less sushi that is designed for an 'on the run' meal.), and sat down to eat. 

The seasoning used on the rice is your first greeting, the -true- method of testing a Sushi-lover is one who looks for the finer things,  and this very well, was a sign of triumph. 

Rice-seasoning from fried peppers, shredded bonito flakes and nori danced across the rice in a fine tapestry of welcoming that warmed the heart as much as seeing Grandma's oven mitts hanging from the kitchen as a child. That, is no understatement. 

The packaging of each Onigiri has upgraded from my last visit, a larger, more fair box complete with shredded ginger to cleanse the palate after one is done, is included.

To the taste! I am ruthless, so let's get this on!

Plum Onigiri: A pickled plum sits at the center of this Onigiri, flourishing it's dark maroon hues into the rice beyond, painting a beautiful sakura-tree like pink upon the rice upon it's crown. The seasoning of dark green nori and black peppers make the mouth moist. Upon the first bite, the sweet and tangy combination of well-cooked rice and gentle lashings of vinegar through it punch you right in the damned tongue.

You better pay attention, because each bite only gets more savage, and as you wipe tears of grateful joy from your damned eyes, you realise it's all gone. All you are left with is a sensation of having been embraced by spring's arms.

Tomago Onigiri: A strange stamp sits on this square-cut, meticulously folded egg that sits within the middle of the Onigiri.  At first you believe 'Ah, hey, this is just egg.'
This Onigiri when you bite down on in, with it's rice seasoning, perfectly vinegared rice and loving hand-made shape, will destroy any egg-dish you even consider putting in your mouth again. It's sweet, soft, embracing texture wraps around your tongue, and the rice pushes it to the next level, leaving you crunching the plastic container it once had as a carrier. You look down to your empty hands, and can't help but look up hoping the chef made more. 

Eel Onigiri: The deep, heavy texture of eel, complete with it's dense, condensed flavour, is complimented by the Nori beneath it that spikes through the thickness of the Eel. You think it might be too much to take, but like a caped crusader, the nori punches through the meat and saves your tongue, instead, making the eel that much more delicious. You can't help but chew faster, it's an honest reaction. Tears are running down your eyes in delight, you lick the container clean, and as you turn to look up to the chef, you see him standing there behind the counter, giving you that slow nod. 

The nod that says: "I know, my child. This, is my gift to you."

Tuna Onigiri: The staple of sushi, raw tuna is pleasurable, but you will not find mid-fat or mid-slice tuna in our price range (unless you attend high-end sushi places and are willing to pay $50 for that pleasure of two slices.), but this tuna Onigiri will set you right. The first bite, a deep one, will have you closing your eyes. All of a sudden you open your eyes, the density of the tuna has overtaken your time-space understanding, a Samurai stands next to you, grinning ear to ear. You hear the songs of the Geisha and the soothing tones of a Shimasen as the bards of the Shogun welcome you to a taste sensation.

After my feast of -five- Onigiri, I looked up to see the girl behind the counter busy adjusting drinks, and sushi for the customers. 

I feel I have to make something clear here, this is a place I have enjoyed for years, but has only improved. 

Prior reviews mention -hot food- that is provided. While it can be said it's fair to buy it and try it, buying hot food from a place specifically, and specially catering to Sushi for the -actual- sushi lovers, is sure to make your sense of taste clearly one -seeking- to look for problems. 

It makes about as much sense as going to Krispy Kreme, and trying a stew and complaining about it. 
While it is a little odd for the business to try it, it's your own fault for buying it.

You want delicious sushi that is made for the happiness of sushi lovers? Come here! SERIOUSLY.

This place is the best place for Sushi in CBD for those seeking a $10-$15 feed, seeking something traditional and not western-crippled.
Aug 18, 2016
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SUSHI JIN, MELBOURNE - 29/246 Bourke St - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 80 based on 121 parameters and reviews

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