Dome Sydney

Dome, Sydney ArtHouse Hotel 275 Pitt St - Sydney

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Last update on 20/12/2023
10 Reviews
Last update on 16/06/2023
934 Reviews


Gary Daly
What a great experience. Drink beer and draw naked people. There is no final exam, take your charcoal and your pad and enjoy the ambience. Last time I checked it was $7.00 for entry every Monday night from 6pm until 9:30pm (approx). Not being an art school graduate my first life drawing experience was awkward in the sense that I was self conscious in regards to my life drawing ability. It doesn’t matter. Any level, any experience or zero experience you find a seat, but a beer and simply enjoy creating a personal life drawing catalogue. I think it’s a great idea for a second Tinder date. It opens up the conversation and if you go with a date match I think it gives you the upper hand in the unique dating stakes. This review is preciously about the Art House hotel on Pitt Street Sydney not the hotel as a whole. Though I have had enough beers at the Art House Hotel to recommend it as a worthy drinking hole. The building that the Art House Hotel resides has a great history in Sydney. The building was in the early days of the 20th century as a centre for the understanding of Australia’s First Nation Peoples. If in Sydney make sure you experience the Monday night life drawing. Experience public nudity (life drawing) create and drink beer. Awesome.
David Chy
An institution that's been around forever located inside The Galeries. Full bar + good bistro food, friendly staff and friendly service.
Gokcen Altinok-Villaverde
I had my wedding reception with the Arthouse Hotel at the end of March 2021. The venue was absolutely amazing. Intimate, warm, funky and spacious! The staff and venue coordinator especially Caitlin Henshaw helped me through planning and creating the magical night from late 2019 before covid19 pandemic hit. We managed to plan and execute an awesome evening and everyone had a blast! I recommend this venue for your next function be it a wedding or celebration, it’s the best.
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DOME, SYDNEY - ArtHouse Hotel 275 Pitt St - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 74 based on 1004 parameters and reviews

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