Hide N' Seek Adelaide

Hide N' Seek, Adelaide 26-28 Austin St - Adelaide


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92 /100
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Ratings of Hide N' Seek


Last update on 18/12/2023
33 Reviews
Last update on 08/08/2023
25 Reviews


Jady Joe Wang
Just so so. Not really amazing food but friendly staff. Had a good experience though. I went with my friend and the place was quiet without many people in much time.
Dec 05, 2017
I went here for my birthday lunch with one of my friends February this year. The food was great and the drinks were as well! But I have to say the winner was the dessert, the Pandan croissants and ice cream ( which are freshly baked and made) were so fresh and amazing :) the staff are also lovely and attentive!
May 30, 2017
Teresa N
I came here on a Saturday night with a group of friends and it wasn't too busy, so I think you can probably do a walk-in, but we did book in case. I ordered the Khao Soi Ga, which was an egg noodle soup with chicken and chilli; it was a decent meal, the chicken was cooked really well and tender, and the noodles were fine, however, the soup didn't have much flavour; very similar to a chicken broth. I am usually one to like subtler flavours, and I found this a little plain, so keep that in mind. Overall though, it was very filling, and not a bad meal. All their serving sizes are generous; my friends and I were all stuffed by the end of out meal- the price is really good here! The service of the restaurant was really great, one of the best service I've experienced, everyone was so friendly and smiley the whole night, and kept coming back to refill our drinks and water, and asked us if we needed anything, making recommendations etc. AMAZING staff!
May 21, 2017
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HIDE N' SEEK, ADELAIDE - 26-28 Austin St - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 92 based on 118 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +61 8 8227 1351



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