Dumpling Chen Clayton

Dumpling Chen, Clayton 326A Clayton Rd - Clayton


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70 /100
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Ratings of Dumpling Chen


Last update on 19/12/2023
8 Reviews
Last update on 03/01/2023
13 Reviews


Anna Doyle
If Google has eBay rating system like one for delivery speed one for good communication blah blah, I will give four starts only to food, and zero to todays customer service. You see, I work as retail sales so most of time Im not fussy abt customer service at all after work (when my role as a customer). So today I ordered two cold dishes (they are all in the cold bar that aside the cash till which means they should be ready within 5 mins, cuz you literally just grab them from the tray put in take away box then put on sauce thats it) and sit there started my "long wait". At first like 10mins I sit there watching them trying to fix the drawer of the cash till, I saw ladies in back kitchen are doing sth im like might be my order, so I said nothing. But only when I realized that those ladies are the ones that only making dumplings so they are not chef that prepare my cold dishes, so where is my order. When I approached to the young lady that took my order just 10mins ago (i feel like 20mins but thats not the point so i wont be too care abt the time really) im like hey wondering what happened to my order, I can tell she forgot abt my two small simple cold dishes as long as I have paid by she asked me, "oh you still have a noodle that need to be cooked..." (whoa) I'm like "I only ordered two cold dishes...?" Obviously I got my food at the end. Its such a shame cuz their food is so good, nice yummy authentic affordable, how come such bad customer service??? That might be the reason why they are so quiet at day time. Please refer to the photos of my two yummy dishes. They are sliced pork stomach in dry chunky chilli sauce and shredded dry tofu. Please still go with their food if you like spicy taste, above just all my thoughts when I was so miserable during my wait.
Dan Li
Delicious food and fast served. Food tastes exactly like the food in China. Can’t wait for next visit! Highly recommend 👍👍👍
Adityasekhar P
Nice restaurant for Chinese food. Must try pork dumpling.
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DUMPLING CHEN, CLAYTON - 326A Clayton Rd - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 70 based on 81 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +61 3 8524 3553



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Based on 81 ratings and reviews

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