Shark Attack Fish 'n' Chippery Cranbourne

Shark Attack Fish 'n' Chippery, Cranbourne 1370 Thompsons Rd - Cranbourne

Fast food
• Australian
• Seafood
• Fast food

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Ratings of Shark Attack Fish 'n' Chippery


Last update on 19/12/2023
15 Reviews
Last update on 09/06/2023
176 Reviews


Last update on 09/06/2023
178 Reviews


Last update on 09/06/2023
662 Reviews


Uber eats
Last update on 09/06/2023
68 Reviews


Duop Jinsui
Literally addicted to their double cheeseburger, it’s become a problem because that’s where all my money goes to. I modify it by adding bacon, bbq sauce and aioli instead of tomato sauce & have the bun slightly toasted (important because usually when the store is busy, they tend to burn the bun and it throws off the entire burger). For a fish a chip shop, this burger is extremely impressive and dare I say, is better than some of the other expensive chic burger places I’ve been to. A superb blend of flavours and textures, just incredible. Give it a try! The combination of perfectly cooked crispy bacon, juicy patties & sweet bbq sauce is to die for! Their house made aioli is also one of the best aioli sauces out there and I love my aioli 😋 I would give the meal a 5/5 because it satisfies my burger needs however, they’re not very generous with the sauce in the burgers (so I usually have to emphasise extra sauce or just buy a tub of aioli and add it myself) and because of the bun burning.

I always buy it in a meal with their mouthwatering $2.50 snack chips. When ordering their chips, it’s important to pick it up while still hot (max. 15 mins after order) or due to condensation, they will get soggy and ruin.

My meal usually cost around $12 and is worth every penny ! Usually leaves me in a food coma but I will always find myself craving it several hours later and back into the store the next day 😂. I’m OBSESSED. Give it a ago, maybe I’m exaggerating but you can go see for yourself, tell them Duop sent you! 😉

*Edit: The burger is of the best quality at 10am- 2pm. I’ve noticed that the burger taste very average when made at peak hours, probably because it’s made by the other employees.
Apr 18, 2018
Normally really good but tonight my grilled fish was completely burnt on one side, pretty disappointed about that but generally it’s great..
Jan 17, 2018
Darryl Kinbacher
Best F&C I've had in ages. Crunchy batter, fluffy well cooked Snapper and a really generous serve of chips and potato cakes. Placed a phone order and it was ready as soon as we arrived. Highly recommended
Apr 08, 2017
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The Chef reccomend

SHARK ATTACK FISH 'N' CHIPPERY, CRANBOURNE - 1370 Thompsons Rd - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 75 based on 1189 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number 59958899



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