Montmartre By The Sea Surfers Paradise

Montmartre By The Sea, Surfers Paradise Cnr Elkhorn Ave & the Esplanade - Surfers Paradise

• Café

Recommended by 4 people
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73 /100
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Ratings of Montmartre By The Sea


Last update on 19/12/2023
230 Reviews
Last update on 09/06/2023
413 Reviews


Greg Noble
I dined at 9:00 on a Wednesday morning. There were a handful of people there, with quite a few tables available. I chose to sit outside, but inside looked comfortably cosy. I ordered a large vanilla cappuccino and the Big Aussie Breakfast. The coffee came quickly and was amongst the best I’ve had. The breakfast was generous without being enormous and it was perfectly balanced. The hash brown stood out and the eggs were perfectly cooked. Everything was hot, fresh and delicious. The staff were very polite and nothing was any trouble for them. The price was surprisingly affordable - excellent value.
Jennifer Kellett
On a mission to find pancakes for breakfast the day before the Gold Coast HM I was fortunate enough to stumble across this little cafe just after my ‘shake out run’. I didn’t want to go to one of the big commercial pancake places so was very pleased to find this little cafe had them on their menu. It is not a big establishment but has a lovely cozy feel with a few indoor tables but mainly outdoor settings under cover. The coffee? Not quite as good as the pancakes.
Jaime C
Amazing customer service!! We went there about 10am and there were no free tables. We went up to the counter and said we would wait for a table but the waiter went into the cafe and grabbed us a table and two chairs that were stored away and set us up himself personally. He then noticed our table was wobbly and without us saying anything, adjusted the legs for us so it was stable. The food was really well priced and very delicious. I got a iced chocolate which came with a nice big scoop of ice cream and cream. I also ordered an eggs Benedict with bacon and it came out quite fast. The meal was quite yummy and well worth it for the price. Would definitely recommend coming here for breakfast!
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MONTMARTRE BY THE SEA, SURFERS PARADISE - Cnr Elkhorn Ave & the Esplanade - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 73 based on 703 parameters and reviews

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