Khangs Noodles Adelaide

Khangs Noodles, Adelaide 10 Arndale St - Adelaide

• Vietnamese

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70 /100
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Last update on 18/12/2023
37 Reviews
Last update on 08/08/2023
980 Reviews
Last update on 08/08/2023
29 Reviews


True local
Last update on 08/08/2023
5 Reviews


Uber eats
Last update on 08/08/2023
200 Reviews


Great fresh salads, really enjoy using Uber eats to get khangs noodles at work. Staff are usually pleasant when I go in and the prices are really good. The vermicelli salads are a personal favourite, spring rolls and cold rolls are really great too. It’s a pretty busy little restaurant with limited parking however it’s located next to large shopping centre so you can park on the street or in the shopping centre car park and still be very Close to the restaurant.

Only had one issue ever with the place and that was with a pick up order taking close to an hour to be ready however staff were semi apologetic and if never experienced it previously
10 months ago
Matthew Tieu
If you are after typical Vietnamese fare like Beef Noodle Soup (Pho) and Broken Rice (Com Tam) and Vermicelli noodles (Bun) then you can get that here, but most importantly, it will also be at a good standard. Fresh, consistent, good size servings, all moderately priced. The small size Pho is probably big enough for a standard meal for any person. The medium size Pho will suffice for anyone with a bigger than standard appetite. The extra large size Pho seems to be somewhat of a silly novelty than something that any mere mortal could ever finish themselves. Even two people would struggle to finish that behemoth. They should give out T-shirts for anyone who can fit that thing in their stomachs. Having said that, I am usually more of a Com Tam (Broken Rice) guy and one of my pet peeves is when the roast pork that comes with it is not very fresh or crispy (often the case with these places). However, this place does the roast pork very well and its always been fresh when I've ordered it - so much so that I just order the "Roast Pork Broken Rice" instead of the "Combination" so I can get more of that fresh, tender, slightly fatty, slightly greasy, roast pork goodness, with the all-important and always crispy crackling! Consistency is the hallmark of a good eatery because it ensures satisfaction, satiety, and value for money. It also means you know what you are paying for and that you wont be getting any unwanted surprises. After about a dozen or so visits I am confident that this place is quite consistent.

I'm not one to care about ambience. Places like this are here to serve one's appetite not to create a particular dining experience or aesthetic. The slurping sound of noodles and soup, the crunch of crispy pork crackling, the motley assortment of diners that come and go, and the loud conversations create an ambience befitting of the purpose of such a place. It lacks the pretension of some other Vietnamese Pho-based eateries that try to appear more "up-market", with their "up-market" prices and their desire to cater to a more "up-market" clientele (by which I mean working class Caucasians who come in search for something "exotic", "healthy" and "reasonably priced", though almost always end up ordering a stir-fry or a salt n pepper squid to go with their BYO). In reality, Pho, Broken Rice, Vermicelli and the like, are the heart and soul of these places. Dishes that in their country of origin, were and still are, sold as affordable and tasty street-food by street-vendors for mainly working class folk (and now "food tourists" of course). This place retains that kind of heart and soul and with consistency too.
Nov 09, 2018
Hanyi Wang
Great restaurant, love all kinds of noodles there, I’ve tried almost all kinds of noodle already. Recommend the iced coffee too. We normally order via the phone and when we arrive there the noodle is ready. The owner and his wife are very nice people.
Sep 26, 2018
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10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM

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KHANGS NOODLES, ADELAIDE - 10 Arndale St - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 70 based on 1452 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +61 414 757 193



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