Bar 9 Whitmore Adelaide

Bar 9 Whitmore, Adelaide 34 Whitmore Square - Adelaide

• Cafe
• Pub

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94 /100
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Ratings of Bar 9 Whitmore

Last update on 08/08/2023
21 Reviews


Last update on 03/06/2021
3 Reviews


Andrew Le
Bar 9 coffee was the real winner. The table of three ordered a flat white, double piccolo and a V60 pour over. You cannot stop by Bar 9 and not pass on a coffee. Breakfast was good, similar to many breakfast/brunch eateries have to offer. One thing that bothered me was the chaos among the staff. Chalking it up to a bad day. Meals took too long to arrive at the table and multiple times were (and other patrons) were approached by staff painted with confused faces holding plates whilst trying to which table food was intended for. Other than that. Stop by and grab a coffee
Andrew B
Loved this place when it was on Glen Osmond, it's now moved to Whitmore. Probably the best coffee I've ever had (milk quality wise) was by a barista from Bar 9 (not sure if she has made the move to Whitmore though). They have culled the menu a little in the move but the food is still good.
Jenny Vandyke
Another winner from the Bar 9 team. Bar 9 has been one of my favourite Adelaide coffee and brunch spots ever since I moved from Melbourne to Adelaide. It's the sort of place where you happily walk 15 minutes passed other venues because the food is fresh, with delicious flavour combinations, and the coffee is top notch, whether you want a simple long black or latte, or whether you're into single origins, pour over and cold brew. I was fortunate to attend the opening day at Bar 9 Whitmore on the weekend, and it's everything I love about Bar 9, including all the fan favourites, but taking things up a notch, with new product lines introduced including bottled cold brew to take home, and a food menu that's a little more cheffy, with mouth watering new menu options and savvy additions like the new breakfast platter for three. Wishing everyone at Bar 9 every success with the newest instalment.
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BAR 9 WHITMORE, ADELAIDE - 34 Whitmore Square - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 94 based on 84 parameters and reviews

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Based on 84 ratings and reviews

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