Society Pizzeria Di Catania Bondi

Society Pizzeria Di Catania, Bondi 65 Bondi Rd - Bondi

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84 /100
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Ratings of Society Pizzeria Di Catania

Last update on 16/06/2023
223 Reviews


Marianna Tuccia
On Mondays and Tuesdays it’s all you can eat for $20. It’s a great deal and you definitely get your money’s worth. The pizza is thin style and the toppings are traditional Italian toppings. It’s a cheap and belly filling night out. #pizzeria
Mar 31, 2019
**Updated on 18/10/2018**
Since my original post, I’ve also tried the Gamberi (prawn and chilli). While I enjoyed it, my favorite is still the Magic Funghi. What did they say about first loves?

Original post: 29/10/2018
I’ve had the Magic Funghi and the Nutella pizza here, and both are absolutely amazing. The crust is thin and soft, and the topping is flavourful. In the case of the Magic Funghi, they are really generous with the amount of mushroom they put in the pizza. To top it off, the truffle oil really enhanced the flavour of the pizza. Living a short distance away from here makes it the perfect place for us to do takeouts and enjoy the warm pizza in the comfort of our home. However, even if I was just in Bondi for a visit, I would make a point to stop by this place if I was hungry or craving for pizzas. Can’t wait to get more!
Oct 28, 2018
Jim Fuoco
Super tasty authentic Italian pizza... great diverse menu of red and white base options including lots with genuine bufala which are super tasty. It's a small place so book if you want to eat in. We had to settle with takeaway for this time.
Jan 23, 2018
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SOCIETY PIZZERIA DI CATANIA, BONDI - 65 Bondi Rd - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 84 based on 283 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +61 2 9389 4666



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