Altomonte Specialty Coffee Elwood

Altomonte Specialty Coffee, Elwood 156 Tennyson St - Elwood


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Last update on 19/12/2023
3 Reviews
Last update on 16/06/2023
15 Reviews


Suzie Scribbles
Food: The breakfasts here are generous and offer good value. The food is generally well cooked and tasty. However, what is really the highlight at Altomonte are their cakes and pastries. We've been and sampled several now, from their delicious sausage rolls to the banana and caramel muffin which was to die for.

Service/Atmosphere: Service unfortunately is hit or miss. There is one waitress who is amazing, friendly and completely on top of everything, can't fault her. Unfortunately, some of the other staff don't live up to her standard - they've forgotten our drink order, taken our food to the wrong table, etc. Only minor things, but it does affect the experience. They have a fairly large seating area, and some outdoor seating. It's generally fairly quiet and I like that it's somewhere I can go for a catch up with friends and not feel rushed.

Would I recommend it: Yes, its big advantage over other places on Tennyson Street is its size. It offers a relaxed environment for brunch or a snack. The coffee is nice too. I think other place pip it in terms of the quality of the food available, but Altomonte offers a nice brunch and a pleasant experience.
Jun 27, 2017
Joey Argentaro
It was a great experience, loved the food Greg makes an amazing coffee, he's also so handsome makes me smile, the cafe was well lit, warming and inviting, loved the atmosphere couldn't of asked for a better little cafe in Elwood will definitely be back soon, keep up the awesome work guys
overall perfect breakfast
Jun 25, 2017
Ken Dobson
The Brekky Pizza is to die for!  And the coffee is perfect!  They have a new cook who specialises in pastries from what I could see.  Definitely worth a look!
Mar 14, 2017
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ALTOMONTE SPECIALTY COFFEE, ELWOOD - 156 Tennyson St - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 85 based on 78 parameters and reviews

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