West End Pump House Hobart

West End Pump House, Hobart 105 Murray Street - Hobart

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Ratings of West End Pump House

Last update on 15/05/2024
139 Reviews


Last update on 04/01/2021
200 Reviews


Australian good food guide
Last update on 26/09/2020
3 Reviews


Last update on 22/02/2020
2 Reviews


Yiwei Zhong
The table is a bit small for 3 people. Very friendly and cute staff (described by my friend), he is really helpful (Short hair, young and wear a blue Tee-shirt and light brown shoe) The menu needs a bit improvement, I didn't know the pink ling is that oilish. Felt bit uncomfortable after eating half of it... The small dish is really small btw.
Rooftop Escape campers
Great place to relax and enjoy a beer, coffee or meal with a range of settings from dining style to couches all set amongst a fresh and creative choice of theme with some great art that brings open spaces together nicely and adding to the character and relaxed feel . The central round bar is a brilliant centre piece and fits in well making the friendly service accessible from all points of the room .
Two Sheds
Spacious and airy bar restaurant on Murray Street. It’s sort of stylish in a near industrial chic sort of way with a panoramic view of the Chemist Warehouse over the road. It was a quiet affair here when I wandered in around 4pm. There were only a few other people around and having a tipple. My monkey shoulder went down well though. But, just off the plane I was a little disappointed at the unavailability of a few olives to tide me over til dinner. “Kitchen’s closed...”, I was told, never the thing you want to hear. No other snack was suggested, not even something packeted. Things were a bit flat. Such is life. The drink was the right price though. I enjoyed it, the big space and the dance mix too and then was soon on my way to explore the Hobart streets.
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WEST END PUMP HOUSE, HOBART - 105 Murray Street - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 82 based on 404 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +61 3 6234 7339



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